Preheat oven to 425° F.
Place baking stone or metal baking sheet in oven while it is preheating. It should be on one of the upper-most racks, but not the very closest to the top of the oven.
Whisk the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Warm milk and yogurt, then add with oil to the bowl and blend, just until integrated.
Mix until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. If needed, add an extra 1 tablespoon or so of milk, to help the dough to hold together well; if the dough isn't holding together and pulling away from the sides of the bowl, it won't hold together when pressed into rounds, so be sure enough liquid is added at this stage. The goal is for the dough to hold together and be slightly sticky but not wet; not dry or crumbly at all.
Sprinkle a dusting of my gfJules™ Flour or Nada Flour onto a pastry mat or clean counter. Roll the dough in a small amount of gfJules Flour to keep it from sticking. Gently roll into a wide log and cut into 5-6 equal sized portions.
Roll each portion in a small amount of gfJules Flour and lightly roll out in all directions to a thickness of about 1/4 inch -- no thinner, and it does not need to be even thickness; some unevenness leads to more puffiness in the baked out breads. Transfer to a piece of parchment dusted with more gfJules Flour.
Repeat with remaining dough. Brush the tops with oil and slide parchment onto hot stone or baking sheet that has been preheating in the oven.
Alternatively, scoop out equal portions of dough onto parchment and spread with well-oiled hands, pressing out with the palms of your hands to an uneven thickness of around 1/4 inch. Slide parchment onto hot pan.
I recommend monitoring this recipe in your oven the first time you try it. Bake for 10 minutes, OR until the breads are puffing up and browning slightly. Flip to the other side and bake for an additional 3-4 minutes. (You may also pan saute the breads lightly to brown the high points like traditional naan baked in a tandoor oven.)
If you tear open one of the breads, it should be fully cooked and have some pockets of air; it should not be gummy or look uncooked inside. If it is gummy or not fully cooked, return to the oven and monitor until fully cooked. That being said, these breads may appear slightly gummy when hot out of the oven; let them cool for at least 5 minutes before tearing or cutting so the structure of the breads will set first. Note the times and temperatures for your oven, so that next time you bake these flatbreads, you will know what produces the best results with your oven.