Baking bread in a bread maker is simple. There are 3 steps: liquids first; then dry ingredients; then yeast. Read more tips on breadmakers and gluten free breads in my article on using breadmachines.
Bring all liquids to room temperature before adding to the machine, if possible. Whisk together the yolks and whites before adding to the bread machine with the other liquids; alternatively, allow the flax seed meal to steep in water for 10 minutes before adding.
Whisk together dry ingredients and add on top of liquids in the pan. Make a small well with your finger in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the yeast.
Select either the gluten-free bread setting on your machine, or the setting with only one rise cycle and no punch-down (2 lb loaf setting). Close the lid to the breadmaker and let it do the rest! (See my Gluten Free Bread Machine Reviews for more Info)
You may want to check on the dough during the mix cycle to make sure the flour around the edges is incorporated. If it has not been mixed well, use a rubber spatula to help the edges and corners of the pan mix more thoroughly.
Approximately five minutes prior to the end of the mixing cycle, a buzzer should sound on your machine, signaling that it is time to add any mix-ins like raisins.
Sprinkle the raisins into the pan at this time. Each bread machine's cycle is slightly different, but you'll want to add the cinnamon-sugar mixture at the tail end of this add-in cycle. The paddle will integrate this mixture into the bread, but the idea is that if it's added at the "last minute," it shouldn't mix it entirely into the bread, but leave a thread of cinnamon-sugar instead.
(See the video for exact instructions for how to add cinnamon-sugar to get the best marbled look using a bread machine).
Once the bake cycle is complete, test the temperature of the interior of the loaf before removing from the pan with a bread baking thermometer – it should have reached approximately 200-205º F. If it hasn’t yet reached that temperature, either add time to your bread machine as another bake cycle of 5-10 minutes, or simply put the pan into a regular oven at 350º F (static), testing the temperature again at five minute intervals.