Affiliate Terms of Use

Affiliate Terms of Use


All affiliate registrations are moderated. You may register to become an affiliate and, if approved, you will be given a unique referral ID that you can use to promote plugins and services on this website.

Approved affiliates will earn 10% on all successful referrals. For instance, if you refer a customer and they spend $100, you will earn $10.

Affiliate commissions are paid out on the 15th of each month, though only referrals that are older than 30 days and still in good standing will be included with the payout. If, during the 30 day period before a commission is paid out, the originating purchase is refunded, revoked, or removed in any way, we reserve the right to revoke the affiliate commission on that purchase.

All affiliate commissions are paid out via PayPal or debit card (for U.S. affiliates) and require a $50 minimum balance.