Gluten-Free Recipe Contest to win an iPad!


Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not! It’s Everyday Health’s New Year, New You Challenge!

All you have to do to enter is submit your  favorite healthy and delicious gluten-free recipe (posting ingredient list and instructions) on their message board, then ask your fans, friends, and family to reply to your post with comments and feedback. The three entries with the most comments will be judged by their gluten-free gurus (I’m one of the judges, so your recipe better be yummy!) and we’ll pick the one big winner. Everybody wins in contests like this though, where you can pick up some great new gluten-free recipes and get inspired!

Based on our scoring, one winner will receive a 32GB iPad loaded with the popular gluten-free apps as well as the Everyday Health App, the Everyday Health Snack App, and more. To read the official rules, read about Everyday Health’s Gluten-Free Guru Judges, or see the recipes already posted, check the Everyday Health website.

So get posting! The contest ends January 31, 2011 and winners will be announced February 18, 2011. I can’t wait to start testing and judging your delicious recipes!  Best of luck, and make 2011 the year for a new, healthy, happy you!

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  1. Great idea. You are partnering some of my favorite things together in one place, gluten free recipes and great free stuff. I look forward to more of these down the road.


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