Healthy Baking Seminar – Gluten-Free Panel



Melinda Dennis (Beth Israel Deaconness Hospital); Jules; Holly Beach (Silly Yak Bakery)


Finally back in my hotel room (midnight here in Boston!) after a long, but rewarding day at the Healthy Baking Seminar in conjunction with Natural Products Expo East.

I spoke today to commercial bakers and industrial manufacturers on how to safely embark upon introducing gluten-free products. My emphasis was on both safety and quality of products — the point is, don’t do it if you can’t do it right! And given the fact that we now know it’s possible to make delicious gluten-free foods at home, it certainly must be the case that bakeries and manufacturers can do it right as well!

Raise the gluten-free bar and we all win, right? I sure think so!

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