You might not want to tell your kids that the new gluten free zucchini bread recipe they’re loving is good for them. Or that it’s made with not only green vegetables (zucchini), but also green legumes (peas)! No, I’m pretty sure you don’t want to tell them that. Just smile smugly as they scarf down another piece of that yummy sweet bread you just made for them!
This is my latest in the series of yummy creative gluten free recipes using dried peas or lentils. You know my passion is baking, so I’m returning to what I know best — sweet stuff! This gluten free zucchini bread recipe is no different, and I love that I can be super sneaky about getting those good-for-you ingredients in without anyone being the wiser.
Did you know that peas are low in sodium and fat, but are super high sources of protein, complex carbs, iron, magnesium and zinc? And now all that goodness is in that yummy bread your family wants you to make again and again!
Here are my other new Pea and Lentil-Powered Recipes:

Pea-Powered Gluten Free Zucchini Bread
- 1/2 cup granulated cane sugar
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter or non-dairy alternative (e.g. Earth Balance® Buttery Sticks)
- 2 large eggs or egg substitute (like 1/2 cup mashed ripe bananas, apple puree or applesauce, or canned pumpkin)
- 1/2 cup sour cream (or non-dairy sour cream Follow Your Heart® OR plain coconut or soy yogurt like So Delicious®)
- 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup split pea purée
- 2 cups gfJules™ Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
- 2 Tbs. flaxseed meal (optional, or use gfJules Flour)
- 1 Tbs. cinnamon
- 1 Tbs. baking powder
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 2 cups packed fresh zucchini, unpeeled and grated (approximately 2 zucchini squash)
- 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional)
- Cinnamon-sugar mixture to sprinkle on top
Measure and rinse 1/2 cup dried split peas. Add to a large saucepan with 1 1/4 cups of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce to simmer, cover and continue to cook for approximately 30 minutes, or until the peas are quite soft, but not falling apart. Drain, then purée, using a food processor, blender or a potato masher. Add water by tablespoons to purée if necessary to thin it — peas should be the consistency of canned pumpkin when done.
Measure out 1/2 cup of purée for the recipe and if there is any remaining, cover and refrigerate for use in other recipes — it will keep for 3-4 days or longer, if frozen.
Preheat oven to 350° F (static) or 325° F (convection).
Beat the sugar and butter until fluffy, then add the eggs or egg substitute, sour cream, vanilla and cooled pea purée – mix well.
Sift together the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, then pour slowly into the wet ingredient bowl and beat together until integrated. Fold in the zucchini and nuts, if using. The batter will be fairly stiff.
Oil one loaf pan and scoop batter into pan, then smooth with a rubber spatula. If using mini loaf pans, oil 5-6 pans; if using muffin tins, oil 24 muffin tins. Fill each no more than one-half full, then sprinkle the tops with cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Bake large loaf for 50-55 minutes; mini loaf pans for 30-35 minutes; muffins for 20-30 minutes. Test the middles with a toothpick to be sure they are cooked through before removing to cool on a wire rack.

Yummo! thanks for another super tasty looking recipe!!!!!
I love zucchini bread and what an added bonus with the peas. Will have to give this one a try for sure.
I am absolutely going to try this on my son!
Alicia – absolutely! Try it “on your son!” That’s what I do too – my kids are my barometers for all my recipes. If they don’t like something, it doesn’t get published. They can both (so far) eat gluten and they are picky kids *(aren’t they all?!) so I know when something is good, because I “try it out on them!”
They’ll never know what hit ‘em! And I’m not telling.
Mary – you go girl! May the pea power be with you! ; )
hmmm, even I might eat peas if they were cooked in a bread like this!
Mary Fran, my sentiments exactly! That’s why you know it’s good – no way can you taste peas in this bread, and their pretty green hue enhances the color from the zucchini! Perfect all around!
Yum–I know what I will be doing when I harvest my zucchini plants in a few months. Can’t wait to try it =D
This looks amazing!! It reminds me of a bread I used to get at a bakery before I had to give up wheat…
Thanks for the substitution for eggs, my vegan husband will love this!
Looks delicious! I baked with quinoa- pea flour blend in Ecuador and always got a great product, believe it or not!
Oh Gina, I believe it! I’ve even used pea fiber in baking, and you can never taste it. I love sneaking in extra nutrients without sacrificing taste or texture. It’s a win all around!
sounds/looks yummy!
MMMMM…..can’t wait to try it!
Being very picky myself, I am interested to see how this tastes! It looks good!!!
I don’t even like peas and this looks delicious! Can’t wait to try it.
Wow!!! Looks awesome!
Can’t wait to try it. Sounds like a good way to get fiber in diet also.
Another creative culinary sensation, Jules.
Peas be with you!
Oh my gosh! I had someone give me a whole case of split peas recently. There are only 2 of us, and we just can’t eat that much pea soup. Now I know what to do with them; we absolutely love zucchini bread. Thanx for the recipe.
Cannot wait to try this! I have two PICKY eaters at my house, my husband and son. But at Easter my son declared he LOVED the carrot cake 9your recipe) I made because it was soooooo healthy. Hmmmm… well it was healthier than the average carrot cake out there, but it was not exactley the bowl of carrots he was making it out to be ;o). Anyway, anxious to try the zucchini bread! and thanks for the opportuinty to win and awesome prize. I am so grateful I found you, and your flour! LIFE CHANGING for my family!
Julie Turner
Fort Worth, TX
This looks yummy and good-for-ya, too! Good job, Jules!
I’m going to see if I can sneak this one past my super tasters!