Jules’ 50th Birthday – A LOT to Celebrate


By: Jeff (Jules’ adoring husband)

jules in the kitchen 2020

Talk about a recipe for awesomeness! Fifty years ago on November 22, all the best ingredients and circumstances came together and were perfectly blended into what many believe (present company included) was truly a heaven-sent angel. I hope you’ll take a minute to leave a comment on this fabulous ‘recipe’ that is Our Jules. I thought this recipe medium was appropriate, for our indefatigable recipe-writing, community-moderating, champion-of-all-Gluten-Free-Folks Jules. It doesn’t have to be long, but wish her well in this ‘different’ year where we couldn’t throw her a 50th Birthday Bash if she’d allowed it. 

So give this inimitable concoction we call Jules your birthday-greeting/review in the comment box below. Thanks in advance!


Mix equal parts:

    • Love

    • Empathy

    • Honesty

    • Caring

    • Commitment

    • Sense of Humor

    • Intelligence

    • Ethics

    • Morality

    • Endless Energy

    • Creativity

    • Integrity

    • Transparency

    • Humility



Mix ’em all up, let sit for 9 months, marinate until angel wings begin to form. Enjoy!


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  1. Happy Birthday Jules. Many many more years of health, happiness and prosperity. God Bless You.
    Thank you for the wonderful gluten-free flour products.
    Stay safe.

  2. Happy Birthday my lovely friend! We have been in this together for awhile and I wish it hasn’t been so long since we were able to see each other in person! MN maybe?

    Have a fantastic birthday weekend!

  3. Jules, I absolutely love all your products and I am a regular customer. I am so impressed that you started a company to fill such a necessary niche. I recommend you to all my GF friends! Many thanks for everything and keep up the good work! And happy birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday Jules! Thank you so much for all you do for the community!! Hope you get to celebrate this weekend with all of your favorite people, things, and plenty of yummy gluten-free goodies!

  5. Happy 50th Birthday!! I turned 50 this year too! Thank you for your flour, your recipes, your time and energy spent on perfecting gluten free baking for the rest of us! You have made such a difference for our family, especially our daughter with celiac. Have a wonderful birthday!!

  6. Happy Birthday Jules! I think of how much you have improved my life by not only making great gluten flour, but also advocating for those of us who struggle with being gluten free on a daily basis. Because of you, I get to make my favorite recipes passed down for generations to share with everybody, gluten free or not! They can’t tell the difference as gluten free with your flour is delicious! I hope you take time to celebrate your birthday. Happy 50th Jules!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday Jules!
    Wishing you all the best in your new year.
    May you and your loved ones please stay safe and well during these challenging times.
    Thank you for all of your quality products and delicious recipes
    and even more for all your special qualities
    You truly make this world a better place.
    With Love and Blessings Always!

  8. Happy Birthday!! How blessed you are to have a husband that loves you so much he created this book for you.

    This year has been a difficult one for all of us. Your blog and recipes has been such a blessing for all of us. It’s been a time to try new things and use what we already had.
    I hope today reminds you of life’s blessings of just being alive.

    Linda Luster Strickland
    Niceville, Florida

  9. Thank you for all that you do! Our GF lives have been made so much easier with your insights and recipes. (we’re not going to mention needing larger pants!) You’ve been part of our journey for the past 15 years and we look forward to many more to come!

  10. Thank you so much for your hard work, humor, and wonderful product lines. You have strived so hard for normal cooking for the rest of us and it definitely shows the love you have!

    <3 sending love back at you <3

  11. Happy 50th Birthday My Dear Jules! You are so loved and make SUCH a huge difference in all the lives you touch. The world is a much better place with you in it!

    • Happy 50th Birthday. Jules. Wishing you much happiness & love. The best is yet to come to the girl who made eating Gluten Free almost a joy. God Bless!
