Jules’ 50th Birthday – A LOT to Celebrate


By: Jeff (Jules’ adoring husband)

jules in the kitchen 2020

Talk about a recipe for awesomeness! Fifty years ago on November 22, all the best ingredients and circumstances came together and were perfectly blended into what many believe (present company included) was truly a heaven-sent angel. I hope you’ll take a minute to leave a comment on this fabulous ‘recipe’ that is Our Jules. I thought this recipe medium was appropriate, for our indefatigable recipe-writing, community-moderating, champion-of-all-Gluten-Free-Folks Jules. It doesn’t have to be long, but wish her well in this ‘different’ year where we couldn’t throw her a 50th Birthday Bash if she’d allowed it. 

So give this inimitable concoction we call Jules your birthday-greeting/review in the comment box below. Thanks in advance!


Mix equal parts:

    • Love

    • Empathy

    • Honesty

    • Caring

    • Commitment

    • Sense of Humor

    • Intelligence

    • Ethics

    • Morality

    • Endless Energy

    • Creativity

    • Integrity

    • Transparency

    • Humility



Mix ’em all up, let sit for 9 months, marinate until angel wings begin to form. Enjoy!


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  1. Jules, thanks for all you do on behalf of us with gluten allergies. Happy 50th birthday. You are so appreciated and loved. ❤

  2. Happy, happy birthday to my gluten-free heroine! So fortunate to have found your flour and mixes. They are truly the best! Thank you for your tireless efforts in creating such wonderful recipes. A shout-out to your fabulous family! Fifties are great — forget the number and enjoy your birthday!!

  3. Jules: Here’s to a very happy 50th! Wishing you good health and happiness! You are such an inspiration to all of us GF foodies with your flours and recipes, I hope you continue many more years of giving us foods without gluten to enjoy and making us feel like we don’t have to miss out on favorite foods! Thanks again, and Happy Birthday! PS Making the stuffing for Thanksgiving. Cant wait!

  4. Happy 50th Birthday 🎉 to an awesome lady that has brought back yummy, best foods! Last night, I made the Lemon pound cake recipe…hubby & I have eaten half of it already! Thank you for giving of yourself, time and talent to all of us!! May you have many more birthdays !!!


  5. Happy Birthday Jules!
    You have created an awesome business that helps others in so many ways!
    I continue to praise your products and recipes to my gluten free groups.
    I hope your 50th year will be filled with many Blessings!

  6. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Jules. You are a blessing to so many and I hope you feel those blessings returned for this very special birthday. 🎉🎂💐

  7. Happy Birthday Jules, and Thank You!!
    I love your recipes.
    Your products have helped me continue to enjoy many traditional foods.
    I love. Your flour is Great! I bought the bread mix, and can’t wait to try it!

  8. Hi Jules!! HAPPY HAPPY 50TH!! I am so grateful that I found your site and am really digging into your recipes, videos and just plain old fashioned cooking/baking with your mixes and flour blends. It has been great!! I haven’t had anything made from GF turnout so yummy! I made the cornbread and my husband and I are just nuts over how fantastic it was! Of course I made the pie crust too!! Your dinner buns will be on the menu for Thanksgiving as well as the pumpkin pie.

    You are the greatest and I hope you carry on and celebrate another 50 YEARS!!


  9. Hello from Wyoming and Happy Birthday! 10 years gluten free, now, and most all of it with your flour blend. Thank you and best wishes!!

  10. Happy birthday Jules my daughter and I met you probably eight years ago when I first moved to Florida at a celiac‘s convention, what a find you were! We love your products we love your flower we couldn’t do without it happy happy happy birthday and many many more. Joy and Kristi
