Jules’ 50th Birthday – A LOT to Celebrate


By: Jeff (Jules’ adoring husband)

jules in the kitchen 2020

Talk about a recipe for awesomeness! Fifty years ago on November 22, all the best ingredients and circumstances came together and were perfectly blended into what many believe (present company included) was truly a heaven-sent angel. I hope you’ll take a minute to leave a comment on this fabulous ‘recipe’ that is Our Jules. I thought this recipe medium was appropriate, for our indefatigable recipe-writing, community-moderating, champion-of-all-Gluten-Free-Folks Jules. It doesn’t have to be long, but wish her well in this ‘different’ year where we couldn’t throw her a 50th Birthday Bash if she’d allowed it. 

So give this inimitable concoction we call Jules your birthday-greeting/review in the comment box below. Thanks in advance!


Mix equal parts:

    • Love

    • Empathy

    • Honesty

    • Caring

    • Commitment

    • Sense of Humor

    • Intelligence

    • Ethics

    • Morality

    • Endless Energy

    • Creativity

    • Integrity

    • Transparency

    • Humility



Mix ’em all up, let sit for 9 months, marinate until angel wings begin to form. Enjoy!


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  1. Wow! Jules u surely don’t look 50. More like late 30s. I wish u all the happiness the world can give u. Happy happy 50ty birthday

    The pic is of mr n my youngest daughter n her little girl


  2. Happy happy 50th Jules. My wish for you is to have a healthy, happy day filled with laughter and Love on YOUR birthday celebrating YOU! I thank you for your recipes, your dedication to the GF world and your wonderful flour…I am back baking some of my old family recipes with your flour and it tastes so yummy…thank you Jules and happy birthday!

  3. Jules, a blessed birthday to You! Have a wonderful day full of love and joy! Your products are the best…I have tried so many and have been disappointed…until I found yours…thanks so very much! Xo

  4. When I learned that I was gluten sensitive, I thought I had to give up pretty much all pastries except those that tasted like cardboard! I started researching solutions and blessedly landed on gjJules page and started reading. A few days went by and I jumped out with my starter pack order. From there I went on to purchase in bulk quantities and have been amazing my family (daughter is celiac) and friends with many of the yummy things from Jules online recipe collection.
    Needless to say I am more than grateful for all her hard work and research to come up with just the right formula for the gfJules products. With out a doubt, Jules, you have blessed me and my family from the amazing products, phenomenal recipes and your timely responses to my many eMails asking for help and clarification.
    I truly wish you the very best on your milestone day and pray you have many more to come! Have a safe and joyous Holiday Seasons and a very Happy Birthday!!

  5. Jules, All the good you do for the celiac and gluten intolerant community, I wish to come back to you 100 fold. Happy 50th Birthday and many, many more. The best is yet to come!

  6. Happy, Happy Birthday, special lady. Hope you enjoyed your special day, and wishing you a year of birthday wishes come true.

    Thank you for all you do; your flour is the best!

    Be well, be safe.

  7. Happy Birthday, Jules! I truly appreciate all you do to make my GF life healthy and enjoyable. Take a moment for yourself today! You deserve it!

  8. Happy birthday jules!! You are incredible and have contributed so very much to help all of us “gluten free” to be able to cook and eat delicious food. Thank you so very much for all your hard work as it is truly appreciated!! You are a very special dedicated lady💜

  9. Jules, you stay young by empowering us to live healthier and happier gluten-free lives. This is a wonderful gift you give to others and I wish this gift back to YOU! Have a very special day celebrating with your family!
