Gluten Free Summer Camp for Kids


Research has now confirmed what anyone with a gluten-free child probably already knew: being around other kids with the same dietary restrictions helps GF kids feel normal. Kids who attend dedicated a gluten free summer camp are buoyed even further. They leave the experience with a more positive outlook and self-perception, as well as an improved sense of well-being and emotional outlook.

kids at camp“All seemed to benefit from camp, no longer feeling different from other kids or feeling frustrated with a restricted diet,” reported researchers in the journal Pediatrics. While all of the children enjoyed the camp experience, those who had been on a gluten-free diet for less than four years benefited the most. These children left camp no longer feeling embarrassed or isolated from other kids because of their restricted diet. Campers also learned new coping mechanisms from others in camp who had been living gluten free for a longer time.

All this is to say that gluten-free camp is a worthwhile endeavor; luckily many camps around the country are answering the call! There are even “camperships” available to help those who could not otherwise afford to attend.

♦Tune into my Gluten-Free Voice radio interview with Celiac Disease Foundation Director Marilyn Geller to learn more about how some of these programs work.

♦Click through to see the listing of Gluten Free Summer Camps around the U.S.

♦Click to see the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) of North America’s list of summer camps

♦Click through for Alisa Fleming’s 2018 List of Camps for Food Allergic, Vegan and Gluten Free Kids

♦Click through for Gluten Free Living’s 2018 List of Camps for Gluten Free Kids

♦Click through for the National Celiac Association’s List of Camps for Gluten Free Kids

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  1. We had our tailgate picnic for my son last night at his work. Fried pork chops, homemade shrimp cocktail, corn boiled in the shrimp water and soaked for an hour, butter mixed with fresh herbs parsley and garlic, homemade corn flatbreads with the same butter and vintage sodas in bottles on ice (the opener in the ice) It was really yummy

  2. I’d put fruit salad, some sort of sandwich, made with Rudi’s gf bread of course, veggie sticks, and lots of water in my picnic basket.

  3. Since we are allergic to gluten, dairy, soy & beef I’d pack sandwiches made with canyon Bakehouse white bread, sliced ham & daiya cheese slices. We use follow your heart soy free vegenaise on the bread. Also some of ur brownies & chocolate chip cookies – which my family loves & i make from scratch several times a month. original lays chips; carrot sticks; chopped up watermelon & cantaloupe & lots of water.

  4. We are brand squeaky new to gluten free, but here is a go:
    -GF tortilla chips and homemade salsa (with a GF beer for hubby and me, Zevias for the kids);
    -Dagwood sandwiches (with all the layers of fixin’s) for the whole family, made with Rudi’s GF bread;
    -A fruit tray, with each fruit in its own little container since my children refuse to eat the same fruits or veggies;
    -GF chocolate chip cookies, made of course, with Jules Gluten Free flour–the first GF recipe I ever attempted (and nailed the first time)!

    • Congratulations, Jessica! You are our randomly selected winner of the Picnic Pack!!! Enjoy your summer of gluten-free picnicking in style!!!

      • Thanks, Jules! I’ve never won anything in my life :) I’m excited to start picnicing with Weber and Jules Gluten Free!

  5. A gf baguette with thin sliced flank steak, cheese and tomato, bowl of cut up mellon, corn chips and snickerdoodles.

  6. I would pack a “grown up” picnic. Wine, cheese, crackers and fruit. I’d also have the fixin’s for some grilled chicken burgers with gf buns! Dessert would be Jules chocolate chip cookies. YUM…

  7. As soon as my daughter is old enough for camp, I would love for her to go to a safe camp.

    We are big picnic people here! Our basket always has fresh blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. The other stuff varies depending on what we have in the house. Cold “fried” (baked) chicken is always a favorite!

  8. Would have wine, cheese, GF bread, fruit, and chocolate chip cookies, all made with Jule’s flour of course.

  9. I would pack a gluten free chicken salad sandwich, avocado hummus with veggies and crackers, grapes, and some chocolate chip cookies made with Jules flour.

  10. I would put in some yummy gluten free asparagus wraps using gluten free tortillas. Add some fresh strawberries & blackberries. Some delicious homemade gluten free sugar cookies.

  11. For picnic basket i would pack Rudis gluten free hamburger buns and some hamburgers to grill along with some gluten free chips, fruit and something tasty like gluten free cookies to finish off the meal!

  12. I would put make a cheese plate with some GF crackers, gluten free bloody Mary mix and I would head out to Zilker park in Austin. :) and of course some Tito’s GF vodka.

  13. I would pack spinach and goat cheese salad, chicken tenderloins marinated in Italian dressing for grilling,new York cheddar and smokehouse nut thin crackers, and gluten free angel food cake with homemade lemon curd and sliced berries for dessert.

  14. We love picnics here! I’d put sandwiches with our Jules bread, almond rice cheddar crackers, cheese sticks, a variety of fruit, some fresh veggies and our drinks! :)

  15. For me, a great GF picnic basket would include my grandma’s recipe for fried chicken made with Jule’s GF flour (fried chicken the next day is always the best picnic food!), GF potato salad,GF cole slaw, GF baked beans, fuit salad, and Sweet Tea(Sugar Free for my hubby who is a diabetic). GF Chocolate Buttermilk Cupcakes may make an appearance as well.


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