Gluten Free Summer Camp for Kids


Research has now confirmed what anyone with a gluten-free child probably already knew: being around other kids with the same dietary restrictions helps GF kids feel normal. Kids who attend dedicated a gluten free summer camp are buoyed even further. They leave the experience with a more positive outlook and self-perception, as well as an improved sense of well-being and emotional outlook.

kids at camp“All seemed to benefit from camp, no longer feeling different from other kids or feeling frustrated with a restricted diet,” reported researchers in the journal Pediatrics. While all of the children enjoyed the camp experience, those who had been on a gluten-free diet for less than four years benefited the most. These children left camp no longer feeling embarrassed or isolated from other kids because of their restricted diet. Campers also learned new coping mechanisms from others in camp who had been living gluten free for a longer time.

All this is to say that gluten-free camp is a worthwhile endeavor; luckily many camps around the country are answering the call! There are even “camperships” available to help those who could not otherwise afford to attend.

♦Tune into my Gluten-Free Voice radio interview with Celiac Disease Foundation Director Marilyn Geller to learn more about how some of these programs work.

♦Click through to see the listing of Gluten Free Summer Camps around the U.S.

Click to see the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) of North America’s list of summer camps

Click through for Alisa Fleming’s 2018 List of Camps for Food Allergic, Vegan and Gluten Free Kids

♦Click through for Gluten Free Living’s 2018 List of Camps for Gluten Free Kids

♦Click through for the National Celiac Association’s List of Camps for Gluten Free Kids

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  1. I would put in a few packs of Rudi’s burger buns, my homemade veggie burgers, and my homemade GF condiments (mustard, ketchup, mayo), a few ‘trimmings’: onions, lettuce & tomato. I’d also take a green salad with homemade vinaigrette, and a potato salad (homemade mayo)

  2. Avocado sandwiches on bagels, cherries, blueberry scones, and a bottle of white. And roast beef sandwiches for my husband. And mango purée for our son.

  3. I would have some of our own T bones marinated in garlic, tomato sauce, onion to put on the grill. In the basket I would have a nice salad with some fresh garden veggies, fresh watermelon and Rolls made from the Jules recipe! YUM!

  4. My gluten free picnic basket has a quiche with asparagus and GF crust (for the vegetarians), oven fried chicken, new potatoe salad with fresh dill, crudités and cloth napkins. Fresh peaches are GF brownies for desert. Someone else can bring the sweet tea, my nalgene’s filled with Cosmopolitans. (Can you see why I get invited White Water rafting?)

  5. My son has autism, so a gf camp probably wouldn’t meet his needs. As for me, I would make Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwiches, fruit salad and sliced cucumbers, with fresh lemonade for a picnic. If grilling, New York Strips it is.

  6. I love the Jules products. My daughter has celiac and now my husband is trying GF it to see if it helps him. Picnic season is here and my basket would contain pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for sure. These are our all time favorite. Love them any time of the day or night!

  7. We take Gf pasta salad. Boiled eggs . Newborn bakery square wraps
    Filled with sliced beef and salad. Smoked salmon spread
    With cream cheese rolled then cut up like sushi. Rice salad with chillis. Spring onions and peppers, being gluten free is just a little more planning and creating normal food with the specialist alternatives

  8. I would love the picnic basket and goodies. . .picnics are one of the things I miss as pre-made bread and wraps tend to get very hard by the time we’re ready to eat. . .need some new ideas and motivation.

    • I like to use lettuce as a wrap. You can do it with lunch meat, for that I use head lettuce. Romaine to make chicken or tuna salad boats.

      Sometimes we use tortilla chips to dip the chicken salad.

      Another idea, which you probably already do/know, is to fill the meat slice with cheese, lettuce, condiments and roll that up.

      I make some protein pancakes that are great for sandwich roll-ups. Those are good with any filling.

  9. Gluten-free bread, cheese, and a bottle of wine! Ok, but if the kids come along, PB&J on GF bread, GF chocolate chip cookies, juice boxes, and watermelon.

  10. In my gf picnic basket you would find my own coconut cupcakes, Cinnamon Chex snack mix, grapes, and sandwiches made with Boar’s Head deli meats and plenty of water bottles!

  11. I would put GF angel food cake with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and a bottle of wine in my picnic basket.

  12. My picnic would have some yummy homemade gf dairy free bread. A nice roasted turkey breast, fresh fruit, Jules gf cookies with peanut butter, and some fresh made lemonade!


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