Every September 13 we celebrate Celiac Disease Awareness Day! And Happy Birthday, Dr. Gee!
Wait, you don’t know Dr. Gee? And what is celiac disease, anyway? Maybe a little unsure about what gluten is, too? Not to worry. You’re not alone, which might be one reason why Congress decided to dub September 13 National Celiac Awareness Day (S.RES.219).
It’s the one day a year when celiac disease is on everyone’s minds (well, ok, maybe not everyone’s).
First off, who is this Dr. Gee and what does he have to do with celiac disease? Dr. Samuel Gee’s 1887 lecture, “On the Coeliac Affection,” marked the first published study of what we now recognize as coeliac (celiac) disease.
Largely because symptoms were so varied, patients had languished until Gee’s research.
He is now singularly credited with publishing its first clinical description, as “a kind of chronic indigestion which is met with in persons of all ages.”
celiac disease can lead to many other conditions, diseases and symptoms; early diagnosis is essential to preventing more health problems.
However, perhaps Gee’s greatest accomplishment with regard to the study of celiac disease was his recognition of the importance of food, not medicine — a principal we celiacs still live by over 100 years after Gee’s death, and one I would humbly suggest could benefit most everyone to some degree.
(Nutrient deficiency from damaged villi due to celiac disease.)
What Is Celiac Disease …
(Also known as celiac sprue, coeliac disease, non-tropical sprue or gluten sensitive enteropathy) is information which you should share with others, as it may help someone you know avoid a lifetime of compromise, fatigue, pain, illness and perhaps even an earlier death.
Celiac is a chronic and permanent sensitivity to the food protein gluten, found in the grains wheat, barley and rye. Developing celiac disease requires three things: a genetic predisposition (meaning you have to have the genes for it); exposure to gluten through digestion (you have to be eating gluten, but most people do it daily); and a trigger that starts the immune system’s injurious response (that’s the part researchers are still trying to understand).
Celiac Disease can present with any number of varied symptoms.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body attacks itself in an inappropriate immune system reaction.
In this case, the reaction is to exposure to gliadin, a protein of the food molecule gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye.
In most all other autoimmune diseases, the catalyst for starting the body’s inappropriate reaction is not yet known. But celiac disease is the only autoimmune disease for which we know the trigger and therefore can stop it: completely eliminate gluten from your diet.
Once on a gluten-free diet, a celiac’s body will begin to heal and put the disease into remission. Diagnosed children recover more quickly than do adults for whom the mean time to symptom relief is four to eight weeks.
click for larger view of graphic
Early Diagnosis of Celiac Disease is Important
It’s critical to get properly diagnosed if you have celiac disease, and to get diagnosed early (another reason to share this information with others!). The longer your body suffers with an active autoimmune disease, the more likely you are to also contract or suffer from other maladies like inflammatory bowel diseases and other autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) including Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Addison’s Disease, Graves’ Disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and others).
On Celiac Awareness Day and every day, we can thank Dr. Samuel Gee for first recognizing that the key to healing celiac disease lies in the diet alone. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be suffering unknowingly from celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
You could be just the messenger they need.
Birthday cake, anyone? Click for this scrumptious gluten free cake recipe!
Celiac NEWS!
This Celiac Awareness Day, please take 3 minutes to contact your Congressional representatives and let them know that passage of the ADINA Act is important!
ADINA: Allergen Disclosure In Non-Food Articles Act is a proposed amendment to the current Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act and will require all over-the-counter and prescription medications indicate on their labeling (or company website) in full transparency whether the medication contains any of the top allergens, gluten or a gluten derivative.