Wow! That’s A Lot of News!


Free For All Cooking

I've just returned from a whirlwind New England adventure, capping off what was indeed an auspicious week for those of us here at Jules Gluten Free!

So, let's see, where should I begin!?  

First I was in Boston for the Healthy Baking Seminar, where I had the opportunity to address bakers and industrial baking manufacturers from all over the country (and indeed, the world) on the gluten-free market and what the gluten-free consumers want, deserve and expect in terms of quality and safety of products. 

Then I did a book signing of my brand new, just-released book, Free for All Cooking, at Natural Products Expo East. It was at Expo East that I also filmed a number of really fun videos showcasing brand new gluten-free products or flavors for you to look for on your store shelves soon! I'll be posting more vidoes as fast as I can upload them, so stay tuned!

I then joined Beth Hillson (of Gluten-Free Pantry fame) in addressing the Shoreline Gluten-Free Group in Clinton, Connecticut, to debunk the "Myths and Monsters" of the gluten-free diet (very subtle Halloween theme, don't you think?!).  Beth generously put me up last night and we enjoyed a wonderful evening sharing baking stories and just catching up in general.  She sent me on my way this morning with some yummy "breakfast cookies" and I left her with some homemade gluten-free granola, so we both made out!

All the while during my crazy traveling adventures last week, the gift of my 2010 Thanksgiving e-Book continued to be passed around from friend to friend, sharing the Thanksgiving love and getting us all in the spirit, AND my new bread mix was finally released (with a great introductory offer!)  And as if that wasn't enough, oh yeah, I launched this beautiful gluten-free blog!!! 

A lot going on, to be sure!  I hope you enjoy this blog and all the recipes and baking tips I share here – please share your recipes as well, so that we all can perfect gluten-free baking, together!  I'm really looking forward to it!

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