3 Days of Expo in 6 Posts – A rundown of the latest & greatest in gluten-free: #2 Cookies


Today’s installment of product reviews focuses on one of my favorite things: cookies!

As I’m sure you know, I love to bake my own cookies, having started an entire Facebook page celebrating the love and sharing of cookie recipes! But, I can appreciate a really good pre-made cookie too, so I’ve picked a couple from Expo West that you might not have seen yet. My favorite solution to the “I need a cookie NOW” dilemma is to always be prepared with homemade frozen cookie dough in my freezer. Then I’m never without (a dangerous, but happy place to be!).

But, there is a time and a place for a store-bought cookie, and I appreciate immediate gratification as much as the next gal, so be sure to check out my favorite new gluten-free cookie offerings I sampled at Expo.

 (See my Intro to Expo and my philosophy behind my reviews, as well as my other new product reviews on Granolas & Bars, Frozen Gluten-Free Breads, Gluten-Free Ready-Made Meals, Gluten-Free Cookies, and Gluten-Free Baking Ingredients!)

Glow Gluten Free-

          I've heard a lot about these GFCF cookies made with love from Jill Brack, and I really wanted to get a taste, so Expo was the perfect opportunity.  I sampled all 4 crunchy flavors (Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate Chip, Gingersnap & Snickerdoodle) and I have to say that if you loved Chips A'hoy cookies before you went gluten free, you have found your gluten-free replacement!

Jill’s chocolate chip cookies are dead ringers for Chips A'hoy … and I’m dead serious. Growing up, my brother refused all my homemade chewy chocolate chip cookies, opting every time for his stash of Chips A’hoy dunked in milk. If you have one of those in your family, these need to be in your pantry!

As for the other flavors, I thought the crunchy gingersnaps would make a great base for a super easy cheesecake pie crust. All the cookies are baked in a GFCO certified gluten-free kitchen and are all natural, casein-free, and transfat and preservative-free, as well.

Perhaps the best treat of all though, was meeting Jill herself – a real sweetheart, and I look forward to seeing what other treats she has in store for us!


Simply Shari’s (Gluten-Free & Fabulous™)

          Although Shari’s cookies are not dairy-free, they are certified gluten-free, and some of her shortbread cookies were quite good. I’m a lemon-head, so I gravitate to those options first and her Lemon Shortbread did not disappoint. Crunchy, lemony, buttery, shortbread-y … if you’re looking for shortbread cookies, hers are pretty darn tasty!

          The men in my house positively devoured her shortbread cookies, and while I liked the bits of lemon in her Lemon Shortbread, my son (who is very texture-picky) didn’t, but he loved the plain shortbread cookies though. Whatever your proclivities, one of these will suit your fancy!

Marion's Smart Delights-

          I know I said this was a posting on store-bought cookies, but I have to report back on this really interesting brand. This little company has a big heart. I know that sounds corny, but it does. Marion is just lovely, and she packs a real health mission into her certified GF mixes, offering a lemon bar mix and a cookie/muffin mix that both use some whole gluten-free grains like quinoa and amaranth, and are lower in sugar and salt than most.

I didn’t get to sample her products this time, but I really like what she stands for and have heard good things about the mixes. They are made in a GFCO certified facility that is also free of the top 8 food allergens. If you have tried her mixes, please chime in and let us know how you liked them!

Take a moment to check out her recipes for these mixes, and read more about her company and her mission.


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  1. I love Marion’s mixes! The original mix has a whole-grain flavor that I craved from my pre-celiac days, but hadn’t been able to capture with my own experimentation. If I’m not baking from scratch using Jules’ flour, I reach for Marion’s mixes.

  2. Thank you so much for including our mixes and saying such kind words about us. It was great to meet you at Expo West! We will share this post on twitter and facebook now. Let us know the next time you are near Arlington, VA so we can give you some samples. Thanks again!


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