Happy Celiac Awareness Day! What are YOU Doing to Spread the Word?



In case you’re wondering, this cake is gluten-free! Click the image for the recipe!

Happy Celiac Awareness Day, and happy birthday Dr. Gee!

On the off chance you don’t know Dr. Gee, then this post is for you! Oh, and it’s also for you if you have, know someone with, or otherwise care about celiac disease AND it’s for you if you or someone you love has benefited from the increasing variety and deliciousness of gluten-free foods!

September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day (S.RES.219), and we can trace it all back to Dr. Samuel Gee, who announced his discoveries in the 1887 lecture, “On the Coeliac Affection.” The study of what we now recognize as celiac (coeliac) disease had languished until Gee, who is singularly credited with publishing its first clinical description, as “a kind of chronic indigestion which is met with in persons of all ages.” Perhaps Gee’s greatest accomplishment with regard to the study of coeliac disease, however, was his recognition of the importance of food, not medicine.

On Celiac Awareness Day and every day, we can thank Dr. Samuel Gee for first recognizing that the key to healing celiac disease lies in the diet alone. Over one hundred years after his death, we celiacs still live by this principle, and live well, I might add!

First, the celebrating! Might I suggest an ice cream treat that is gluten and dairy-free, as well as being decadently delicious? Ice cream makes any event better, and I highly recommend trying my new concoction!

Celiac Awareness Day
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Celiac Awareness Day



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  1. I like your facebook page, I follow on Pinterest, my name is Alana Vester on there, and I follow on Twitter, my handle is @JeweledEyedBabe.

  2. I post stuff on my facebook page about celiac disease and I make and buy gluten free foods and give it to friends and family to eat. When they ask how I made it I tell them that it’s gluten free and they can’t tell the difference. I tell them the effects that gluten has on people with celiac disease. I tell people that being on a gluten free diet is not just a “fad”, it’s for my health.

  3. I shared your blog on Facebook to let people know that it is National Celiac Awareness Day! I also help raise awareness about celiac disease and gluten free living by coordinating meetings for our local CSA chapter.

  4. Even restaurants have trouble understanding GF foods and cross contamination. I requested a GF meal at a recent luncheon meeting. They had a very nice salad available AND a wonderful GF cheesecake. YUMMY! However, it was served on the same platters alongside the other (non-GF) cheesecake squares. I informed the server about cross contamination issues. Still fighting that battle.

  5. I spread celiac awareness by sharing my delicious treats with others (including my Luna Proteun bars!) I’ve had a lot of friends who were really scared to go gluten-free after their diagnosis, thinking that they were going to lose the fun that came for them with delicious foods. They’re always shocked when the products I share with them are just as good, if not better, than the gluten-filled version. Plus, they learn how great it is to actually feel great for once! :)

  6. I feel much better now that I’m GF (no longer anemic) I spread the word by bringing gluten free treats to
    gatherings and parties and after everyone raves about them I tell them they are gluten free – I have a great GF Brownie recipe using garbanzo beans that my family likes better than the regular gluten-full ones.

  7. I am a gluten-free resource for my daughter’s school and after school program. Making sure that there are GF free snacks for her AND any child that might need them. I’ve also turned into the guru at work, sharing recipe’s, information and general support for several families whose children have been diagnosed with severe gluten intolerance. EVERYDAY is awareness day for me!

  8. I’ll be sharing this site on facebook! I was recently diagnosed with Celiacs and am still new to this whole thing. I had no idea the history of the Professor or any of that! It is fascinating to learn that Celiacs has been around for so long, but that so many people don’t know anything about it. Thanks for putting the word out there!

  9. I am posting ALL day today about awareness. Plus, every time I attrnd a pot luck, or am required to bring a dish to pas, I make it GF and let everyone know. It’s so important to educate.

  10. Tomorrow I am going to make a special GF pizza and share it with my kids and husband. Since I don’t have any time to bake at night during the week, this weekend I am going to try to bake my first gf Apple Crumble! I was diagnosed in February of this year…it is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do for myself, but I am determined to succeed and heal for me and my kids. :)

  11. Tomorrow I am going to make a special GF pizza and share it with my kids and husband. Since I don’t have any time to bake at night during the week, this weekend I am going to try to bake my first gf Apple Crumble! I was diagnosed in February of this year…it is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do for myself, but I am determined to succeed and heal for me and my kids. :)
