Happy Celiac Awareness Day, and happy birthday Dr. Gee!
On the off chance you don’t know Dr. Gee, then this post is for you! Oh, and it’s also for you if you have, know someone with, or otherwise care about celiac disease AND it’s for you if you or someone you love has benefited from the increasing variety and deliciousness of gluten-free foods!
September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day (S.RES.219), and we can trace it all back to Dr. Samuel Gee, who announced his discoveries in the 1887 lecture, “On the Coeliac Affection.” The study of what we now recognize as celiac (coeliac) disease had languished until Gee, who is singularly credited with publishing its first clinical description, as “a kind of chronic indigestion which is met with in persons of all ages.” Perhaps Gee’s greatest accomplishment with regard to the study of coeliac disease, however, was his recognition of the importance of food, not medicine.
On Celiac Awareness Day and every day, we can thank Dr. Samuel Gee for first recognizing that the key to healing celiac disease lies in the diet alone. Over one hundred years after his death, we celiacs still live by this principle, and live well, I might add!
First, the celebrating! Might I suggest an ice cream treat that is gluten and dairy-free, as well as being decadently delicious? Ice cream makes any event better, and I highly recommend trying my new concoction!
I apologize for misspelling my own last name!!!
I plan to post something on my FB page along w/a GF recipe & hopefully a pic of the finished dish:)
I actually just spread the word, not meaning to, but will do so again tomorrow as I post a new gluten free recipe on my facebook page and refer a few of my new CD friends to new websites!
I use every possible opportunity to discuss it. Tomorrow I plan on turning my blog totally Celiac related. The more awareness the better!
I share about Celiac every chance I get! I have been sharing it everyday for 2 months straight at various places. I will continue to do so as it is needed.
I do follow you on facebook!
I spread celiac awareness everyday. I consult with our cafeteria manager regularly to emphasize the importance of gluten-free living. I have a “email list” of people I know who have celiac and regularly email them recipes or news items I run across. I also talk to everyone I know about celiac awareness and gluten-free living.
I will post something on my FB page and make a yummy gluten free treat for my family to enjoy in celebration!
I’m working locally on a guide to gluten free with my allergist and his staff to help people know where to go locally for products.
As a costumer at a local theatre I will be making gluten free cookies for the cast and crew, then putting them out for the concession sale with a BIG sign “Free Gluten Free Cookies–I dare you to try one!”
I already “like” you on Facebook
and I plan to share a GF recipe on my Wall
I share about celiac disease every chance I get. I also have a support group that I sponsor each month.
I also follow you on Twitter & facebook
I am the marketing manager at the office of two Chiropractic Internists… Both of whom have Celiac & do testing for people to help diagnose Celiac. We will be running a campaign promoting Celiac awareness. Thanks Jules
I also liked your facebook page and follow you on Twitter and Pinterest!
I gave a talk at work as part of a “Work, Life, Wellness” program to educate our employees about my famliy’s journey learning about CD after my 2yr old was diagnosed, the increase in Americans who have the disease, the symptoms, etc. And tomorrow I will be bringing in GF cake balls for my daughter’s class.
I try to educate people every day, but really focus on explaining Celiac’s and the need to be gluten-free to waitstaff and chefs at restaurants. Some have a vague idea and others really need a better understanding, so I try to give them all the details so they can not only help me, but others as well!
I plan on posting something on my Facebook page to help spread awareness. I am constantly educating people when they find out I have to be Gluten free.
As a mother of a 2 year old with CD I am attending a ROCK meeting on the 13th. I will also share what I learn with my family and friends via Facebook and my blog. I liked you on Facebook and follow you on twitter. You made my day today by responding to my tortilla question:)
As a Mom of a 6 year old with gluten intolerance we are making a gluten free treat to send to his kindergarten class for a snack. We want to share with his class all the things he can eat.
We hope this entire school year will be a teaching experience for both the kids and staff.